Knowledgebase: Installation questions
What are the recommended steps for successfully moving my web site from one server to another ?
Posted by - NA - on 17 October 2005 05:19 PM
Here is an approximate check list for successfully moving your web site from one server to another :

1) make sure the new server meets software requirements listed at;

2) backup the database for Esvon Classifieds (use mysqldump or phpMyAdmin which is usually available from hosting control panel);

3) compress the entire website dir into a single file to preserve the directories and files as currently maintained and move/upload it to the new server;

4) unpack website into the new location;

5) set correct directories / files permissions if necessary (make some of them writable) according to /docs/readme.txt;

6) create database on the new server and restore it from the backup dump;

7) configure software to find the new database (update inc/application.php settings);

8) make sure the website works as expected using any temporary URL to the new server;

9) transfer the domain to the new server.

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