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Knowledgebase : Esvon Classifieds Q&A

When you will choose hosting company for Esvon Classifieds please ask if they offer the following features : 1/ ionCube Loader 2/ Ability to run Cron Jobs 3/ ImageMagick installed - it is not required but recommended for best thumbnails quality and...
If you have Apache server you can place .htaccess file into /admin/ directory (or its renamed equivalent) with the following lines (use your directory name instead of /admin/ if you renamed it). If .htaccess file already exists you can add these lin...
CSRF means cross-site request forgery. It is a security risk where an attacker can trick a visitor into making a malicious request to your site from another, entirely unrelated site in their control. Yes, for CSRF tokens in HTML template you can use...
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