Knowledgebase: Customizing
How can I have actual pictures/thumbnails displayed instead of camera icon (search results, latest ads section, etc) ?
Posted by - NA - on 20 December 2005 04:28 PM
1/ Since version 4.0 :

edit inc/application.php and change
define('THUMB_WIDTH', 0);
define('THUMB_WIDTH', 150);
(maybe 100 or 200 will be better for your layout - you can figure this out experimentally).

2/ For versions 3.x
(although this may be applicable to customized 4.x templates as well) :

You have to edit corresponding template (for latest ads - browse.htm, for search results - row.htm of the desired fieldset) and change

<img src="img/photo.gif" border=0>


<img src="files/small/##images##" border=0 align=middle width=20>

where "width=20" parameter can be adjusted to reflect the desired image size.

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