Support Policy

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  We are firmly convinced that it is support, which makes any product or service professional and complete. That's why our top priority is qualified technical support. We owe our customer's business success to timely and helpful assistance.

  Although the software is developed to reduce the need for post-installation support, we strongly believe it makes you feel safe and secure with your product.

Free support
  Although this service is included at no extra cost and we do not guarantee the availability of support, it has generally been our policy to include 30 days of free e-mail technical support from the date of purchase. Technical support can include simply answering questions, or if necessary logging in to your server to investigate and repair simple problems.

  From our experience, 30 days is more than enough to install and configure the software on your server and ask for some general help questions regarding its functionality. When your free technical support period is over, it can be renewed as a paid service.

Paid support
  Our support service is based on pre-purchased credits which cover the cost of an incident. 2 credits equal 1 hour of support and there is a 1 credit minimum for each incident. Experienced support engineers handle all problems and will notify customers in advance should the incident require more credits than are available in the customer's account. The program offers customers a simple and secure method for obtaining technical support, configuration assistance, system design or development services :

  • Credits do not expire and unused credits can be utilized for future incidents
  • Credits make the process of problem solving well-organized
  • The service allows you to upgrade the credit balance yourself
  • The program gives you a clear idea of the resources involved

  The HelpDesk we provide is an effective way of communication with our customers. When a trouble ticket is placed, it is answered within one business day or even earlier. We do know that your time is money and value it. As soon as a ticket is submitted, it's put to the queue of submitted requests. Each type of incident or technical problem is rated in support credits. After your confirmation it goes to the appropriate department and is processed by a support engineer. A ticket can be closed (resolved) by a customer if the problem no longer exists.

NOTE: Every incident class has a range of credits depending on the complexity or scope of the request. Typically incidents can be classified as follows:

Issue classCredits
Installation and configuration (installation of the software, server configuration issues, PHP, MySQL)1-2
Price Plans configuration (pay-per-ad scheme, memberships, dealers)1-4
Front-end design integration/modification issues1-3
Other issuesupon request
What Issues do I submit to HelpDesk ?

1. Questions, related to the product technical features. Whenever you need the clarification of how the product or its features function, feel free to place a trouble ticket.

2. Questions, related to the product configuration. We will be glad to help you configure the product settings to achieve the functionality you expect.

3. Questions, related to any technical problems. We will look into the issue when the program doesn't work in the way it should. Place a ticket and the problem will be resolved shortly.

4. Questions, related to product post-development and customization. Provided that you are competent enough or you have a proficient web master for the product customization we will be glad to give you the necessary instructions and consultations.

  When the limit of support credits is reached, a customer may renew the balance via HelpDesk himself. Even when the technical support is not available, account owners can always refer to HelpDesk on the questions related to sales, license transfer and other requests.

  If you have lost the username and password for the online Customer Area, you can use this form to request a username and password that will allow you to access this area.