Esvon Classifieds - Changes History

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Price: $549.95 *
Version: 5.0 (changelog)

* Price includes single-domain lifetime license and 1 year of free access to new software versions.
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 Changes History  


New in "Esvon Classifieds" 5.0.9:
  • Increased the performance of Mobile Detect library with Mobile Detect Fast
  • Prevent users from submitting form data more than once in "Form to Email" module
  • PHP 8.2/8.3 compatibility
  • Updated CKEditor support
  • JQuery updated to the version 3.7.1
  • PHPMailer updated to the version 6.9.1
  • Updated Mobile Detect library
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 5.0.8:
  • MySQL 8.x compatible (special upgrade needed for existing MySQL 5.x installations)
  • PHP 8.1 compatible version available upon request
  • Fixes and improvements
  • JQuery updated to the version 3.6.3
  • PHPMailer updated to the version 6.7.1
  • Updated Mobile Detect library
  • Requires PHP 5.5 at least
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 5.0.7:
  • Added option to define default URL after user login
  • Fixed Google ReCaptcha to be reloaded immediately if "Add Listing" form ajax validation fails
  • Improved image resizing accuracy in some rare cases for IMagick and ImageMagick methods
  • Improved user registraton experience with OAuth module (Facebook/Google login)
  • JQuery updated to the version 3.5.1
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 5.0.6:
  • Fixed inability to submit form when CKEditor-based textarea is required and advanced image uploader is used to select file(s)
  • Better compatibility with older templates when images lazy loading is enabled
  • Improved layout of auto generated forms in some cases (Place Ad, Modify Ad, etc.)
  • "Copy/Duplicate" across categories with different fieldsets is possible now
  • Fixed thumbnails issue when smaller than thumbnails images are uploaded
  • Ad Extras are displayed on Grid View now as well (Featuring, Visibility, Highlight Color)
  • Hide/show Ad Delete button on "Modify Ad" page when ad images are marked/unmarked for removal
  • Improved "Ad Delete" confirmation dialog with option to specify removal reasons
  • Added report about expired user plans/accounts into cron email for Admin
  • Database connection errors and failed SQL queries are logged now (useful to track availability of database server and understand website user complaints if there are any)
  • Better error page if database connection failed
  • Disable unnecessary warnings in error log caused by cache files handling code
  • Fixed issue when resized JPEG images were converted from RGB to greyscale with ImageMagick command-line processing as image resizing engine
  • Updated PclZip library to the version 2.8.4 (compatibile with PHP v7.1+)
  • PHP 7.4 compatibility confirmed
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 5.0.5:
  • Search by multiple fields within Search/New section in Admin Area
  • Improved "List View" layout on mobile devices to resolve "Content wider than screen" mobile usability issue
  • Preferred search results view (List/Grid) is kept now when navigating
  • When Combined Title is used, it is displayed as grayed and read-only in Admin Area
  • Fixed "Search / Validate Listings" view for Legacy Admin Panel Template
  • Error reporting improved for disk write errors (like "Disc quota exceeded")
  • JQuery updated to the version 3.4.1
  • Updated lazysizes plugin
  • Updated Mobile Detect library
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 5.0.4:
  • SEO improvements for default template (H1 tags for category/item titles)
  • Search engine robots list updated to refresh web spiders detection
  • Grid/Thumbnails View was made default for mobiles
  • Display active listings only in Favorites
  • PPC module corrections
  • Fixed validation for fields of "file" type with a value when they are set as required
  • PHP 7.3 compatibility confirmed
  • Updated Mobile Detect library
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 5.0.3:
  • Confirmation code functionality to ensure valid email is used on "Add Listing" page for listings posted without formal registration
  • Optimized PageSpeed Insights score of the default theme to be in green area for both desktops and mobiles (93/88 respectively with leveraged browser caching)
  • Added igbinary serialization support in caching class to save disk space when extensive caching is used
  • Added IPv6 compatibility to Form_to_Email module
  • Mailing_Lists module improvements
  • CKEditor 4.9.2 is the default version loaded from CDN now
  • LazySizes plugin updated to version 4.0.2
  • Colorbox updated to version 1.6.4
  • Other minor improvements
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 5.0.2:
  • PHP 7.0-7.2 compatibility
  • "Bootstrap-select" plugin integrated to style and bring additional functionality to standard select elements in "Search / Validate Listings"
  • Improved relevance ranking of keyword search results
  • Mailing_Lists module improvements
  • PHPMailer updated to the version 5.2.26
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 5.0.1:
  • Improved interface for images upload (HTML5 or Flash-based) within "Place Ad" and "Modify Ad" pages
  • Better quality of rotated images
  • "Redis" can be selected for session storage if available
  • LazySizes plugin updated to version 2.0.7
  • PHPMailer updated to the version 5.2.23
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 5.0:
  • "Sort By" fields can be defined from Admin Area now for each fieldset
  • Extra protection against sudden Admin Area settings reset to defaults
  • Input attributes styling added under "Manage Fieldsets"
  • Paypal IPN code updated to support 2016 merchant security changes
  • Google ReCaptcha 2.0 is supported now
  • Improved IPv6 support
  • Changed path of "cache" directory to make images backup easier
  • Templates and language files updated to provide easier interface for translation into any language or maintaining a multi-language website by allowing to have one set of templates only. Before this, when with Multi_Lang module it was necessary to have a translated copy of each template, it was quite difficult to maintain because with HTML changes in one template it was needed to update corresponding template for each language. Now all HTML templates have placeholders for phrases/messages
  • Language-specific RTL basic support (right-to-left text direction)
  • Fixed bug of accidental delete of all images after user rearranges images (using drag and drop) and presses "Update" button
  • Improved cache handling under high load / many concurrent requests
  • JQuery updated to the version 1.12.4
  • Bootstrap updated to the version 3.3.7
  • LazySizes plugin updated to version 2.0
  • PHPMailer updated to the version 5.2.21
  • Other minor improvements
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 4.0.18:
  • Bootstrap updated to the version 3.3.5
  • Multiple images upload selection added in Admin Area for "Modify Ad" page
  • New template editor in Admin Area with syntax highlight, code folding and full-screen addon
  • Extra Pages search/filtering added in Admin Area
  • Table/image controls enabled for CKEditor in Admin Area
  • "Maintance Mode", "Session Timeout" and "Enable lazy loading of listing images" options added in Admin Area
  • SEO-related improvements (custom titles for category pages, custom meta tags for extra pages, etc.)
  • LightSlider/LightGallery integrated for image viewing to improve user experience on different screen resolutions
  • Colorbox, photobox and prettyPhoto updated to the latest versions
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 4.0.17:
  • Responsive HTML5 Admin Panel with ability to switch to the legacy layout
  • JQuery updated to the version 1.10.2
  • Bootstrap updated to the version 3.3.1
  • CLEditor added to the list of supported WYSIWYG editors
  • Some internal improvements
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 4.0.16:
  • Full Unicode and UTF-8 support implemented (new installations only)
  • Optimized images storage engine to avoid "too many files in one directory" performance issue (for new installations)
  • Owl Carousel support integrated to use responsive carousel block for featured, recent, random, category- and seller-specific listings displaying
  • Secure HTTPS URL option added for SSL-certificate based login
  • Added option to check OS/browser fingerprint and display geometry changes to have additional security layer for autologin ("remember me" checkbox)
  • Password strength meter added to guide users to have a strong password
  • Enhanced keywords search capabilities
  • New touch-friendly interface for images management
  • Improved date/datetime custom field storage, added "Range" search ability
  • bootstrap-datepicker integrated
  • Improved configuring of individual pages layout and content (both sidebars visible, left or right sidebar, no sidebars, custom sidebar HTML)
  • Bootstrap updated to the version 3.2.0
  • Photobox and prettyPhoto plugins updated to the latest versions
  • CKEditor is the primary WYSIWYG editor now with code loaded from CDN (by default)
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 4.0.15:
  • New responsive HTML5 website theme in 6 colors
  • Added "phone" fieldset with a new possible browse/details templates examples
  • Simplified configuring of individual pages layout and content
  • Rewritten sessions code to allow caching of dynamic content by caching HTTP reverse proxy (like Varnish Cache)
  • Better banned IPs handling code
  • Plupload support implemented (with image resizing on client side before upload supported)
  • New fieldset-specific option to have "Grid View" of browse/search results by default
  • CKEditor, TinyMCE and HTMLBox integration code updated
  • Colorbox, photobox and lightbox2 updated to the latest versions
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 4.0.14:
  • Responsive HTML5 website template
  • Password hashing strengthened
  • Image Gallery support enhanced: Colorbox and Photobox plugins integrated
  • Added option to enable light header/footer in User Account
  • Fixed encoding issue with accented characters at extended category selection page
  • Search engine bots/crawlers list updated and detection improved
  • Lightbox updated to version 2.6
  • Imagick-based images resizing is supported now
  • Removed database backup functionality for security's sake
  • "Include syntax" added in HTML templates
  • "No-Reply Email" setting added
  • GZipped output is automatically disabled on SSL (to prevent BREACH attacks)
  • Install-specific encryption key implemented (used to encrypt website settings)
  • "Faq" is no longer a separate module
  • "Members_List" module removed
  • Internal architecture improvements
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 4.0.13:
  • Improved search engine friendly URLs support - added option to handle non-english chars in SEO Friendly URLs
  • Added option to enable separate category selection page to use extended category selection layout when adding a new listing
  • CKEditor 4.0 support integrated
  • jQuery date picker integrated to choose dates from a calendar pop-up window
  • Flash-based upload degrades (falls back) gracefully to normal HTML upload form if Flash plugin is not installed
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 4.0.12:
  • Solved a rare issue of website settings being reset suddenly to defaults
  • Captcha-related functionality moved into "Captcha" module with reCAPTCHA support
  • Added "Display HTML template hints" option to include template file names as comments into generated website pages
  • Lightbox and prettyPhoto support integrated for images viewing
  • Avg. System Load statistics added in Admin Area Summary
  • JQuery library updated to version 1.7.2
  • Internal performance/architecture improvements
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 4.0.11:
  • Title field can be autocreated based on the other listing fields (combined title)
  • User profiles can be stored in a database with hashed passwords
  • Improved confirmation messages for Flash-based upload
  • Improved compatibility with the latest versions of supported WYSIWYG editors
  • JQuery library updated to version 1.7.1
  • Some internal improvements
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 4.0.10:
  • Flash-based multi-image uploading integrated (multiple image selection, upload progress tracking) - hopefully no more upload timeouts and blank pages when users upload large photos
  • Default WYSIWYG Content Editor (obsolete "htmlarea2", IE 5.5+) replaced with cross-browser "htmlbox" editor
  • New WYSIWYG Content Editor integrated into "Extra Pages" and "Mailing Lists" modules
  • Improved jwysiwyg editor support
  • Added extended debug info on SQL error
  • Improved "Reviews" module internals
  • JQuery library updated to version 1.4.4
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 4.0.9:
  • Improvements made to cope with large sites (large databases) better, using improved concurrent cache requests handling for uncached data
  • CKEditor added to the list of supported WYSIWYG editors
  • Changes made to accept HTML code generated by the latest supported HTML editors (FCKeditor, TinyMCE)
  • Added the option "Method to send mail" to allow SMTP server usage instead of the PHP mail() fuction
  • JQuery library updated to version 1.4.2
  • Some internal improvements
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 4.0.8:
  • Export / Import fieldsets in Admin Area
  • Search engines friendly URLs use dashes instead of underscores now
  • "Mailing_Lists" module allows to send emails to users with certain membership status (price plan based emails)
  • jwysiwyg added to the list of supported WYSIWYG editors
  • Activated PHP option "gd.jpeg_ignore_warning" to improve JPEG files handling and to get rid of occasional ImageCreateFromJPEG errors (the option is available since PHP 5.1.3)
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 4.0.7:
  • Several changes to bring more compatibility for the upcoming PHP 5.3
  • Stronger CAPTCHA image verification
  • Changed "multimenu" fields storage format to match "checkboxes" fields
  • Alternative Image Text can be specified for each Category Image now
  • "Mailing_Lists" module changes: background email sending improved, emails export functionality added
  • Internal architecture improvements
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 4.0.6:
  • Added search type selection for text fields in Advanced Search page (broad match/beginning with/ending with/exact match/sounds like)
  • Added option to allow ad placing without formal registration
  • Added "Disk Space (Free / Total)" information in Admin Area summary screen
  • Added possibility to delete multiple images at once
  • Some performance related improvements
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 4.0.5:
  • Added possibility for user to change e-mail address with email confirmation
  • Soundex (sounds like) search option added for "text" fields
  • Some internal improvements
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 4.0.4:
  • Dependent Menu added as supported form field type
  • "Report Abuse" replaced "Broken Link" module
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 4.0.3:
  • On-demand fields classes loading implemented to improve performance
  • Added TinyMCE to supported WYSIWYG editors for <textarea> fields
  • Added ability to export categories in Admin Area
  • Search by price plans added in Admin Area both for users and listings
  • Member price plans support realm New/Renew Membership
  • Bad words filtering added to Form_to_Email module
  • 'Require Login' option added to Reviews module
  • When listing titles are used in SE friendly URLs, and title is changed, added HTTP 301 redirect from the old URL to the new one (this prevents duplicate URLs problem)
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 4.0.2:
  • Added ability to import categories in Admin Area
  • Some internal architectural changes
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 4.0.1:
  • Simplified 3rd party WYSIWYG HTML editors integration
  • Added FCKeditor support as a WYSIWYG editor replacement for <textarea> fields (supports IE 5.5+ for Windows, Firefox 1.0+, Mozilla 1.3+ and Netscape 7+)
  • New settings added in Admin Area :
    - Preferred WYSIWYG HTML editor selection
  • Added ability to search by exp. date range in Admin Area -> Search / New (if listings exp. date is enabled)
  • Since version 4.0 changed files history is kept in the "upgrades/" directory to make upgrade process between minor releases easy and quick
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 4.0:
  • Extended search engine friendly URLs support - added new option "Include category names and ad titles in SE friendly URLs"
  • Caching engine improved to avoid serialize/unserialize overheads in favour of native php includes performance
  • Brute Force Attack protection for authentication attempts implemented
  • AutoLogin (persistent login) security strengthened
  • Some performance improvements using MySQL 4.x features (SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS)
  • Blocks engine improved: added ability to pass parameters from templates, i.e. : <!-- TPL_INSERT : b_Categories [cat_limit=10] --> <!-- TPL_INSERT : b_Featured_Ad [amount=2] -->
  • Variable modifiers support added in template parser, i.e. : ##var|count_words##, ##var|upper##, ##var|strip_tags##, etc.
  • Admin can browse online users, view their IP addresses and force user logout from a current active session
  • 'Disallow user account sharing' option implemented to prevent other users from logging in under the same user account at the same time
  • "Renew ads on subscription renewal" option added for user price plans
  • Added optional usage of verification image on Place Ad / User Registration pages
  • Category Extras Setup ( Users must be logged in to Browse the following Categories, Users can not add listings in the following Categories )
  • Added ability to change from Admin Area PHP option 'display_errors'
  • New settings added in Admin Area :
    - Online Sales Tax, %
    - JPEG resizing quality
    - Max. allowed keywords amount in Keywords Search
  • Some internal improvements
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 3.0.797:
  • Keyword search rewritten to use MySQL full-text search (MySQL 3.23.23 or later is required)
  • Upcoming "Bulk_Loader" module support implemented
  • Online users tracking performance optimized
  • Content compression statistics is displayed in debug mode now (GZIP'ed output)
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 3.0.796:
  • "Sectioned (dynamic) category selection" option added. It is useful if you have many categories/subcategories and they are difficult to scroll if all shown in a single drop-down menu. This setting affects Place Ad, Modify Ad, Advanced Search pages
  • "Insert into Ad Details page" option is available now when you add new field in Admin Area -> Manage Fieldsets. It allows to add new field into "details.htm" template automatically
  • Ad Extras appear now at "Order Ad Placement" page only if ad is not expired or price plan is selected to avoid ad extras ordering for expired ads which are not displayed at the website
  • New templates added (order_ipn_declined.htm, order_ipn_paid.htm) to display payment transaction status to the customer after payment is made. This ensures customer awareness of the payment status (confirmed or declined) for some payment gateways that don't provide such information to the customer after payment takes place (e.g. Authorize.Net SIM integration)
  • "Extra_Pages" module updated, custom index page is created immediately now when you create extra page with id "index"
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 3.0.794:
  • Non-modifiable fields support added for single line textboxes and drop down menus (the value can be entered once but can't be changed later - Readonly or Hidden status)
  • Custom PHP code can be inserted in the templates from now, regular tags should be used ( <?php and ?> )
  • "Allow Decimals in Price Field" option added
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 3.0.793:
  • User friendly ad fieldsets management implemented in Admin Area
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 3.0.792:
  • Changed price plans / extra options expiration handling
  • Enhanced automatic Cron Job execution (available even on Windows platform from now)
  • Instant user price plan switching added if user browses website and user account expires (no dependence on cron job execution time from now on)
  • Email sending improved in "Mailing_Lists" module
  • Extra Pages module updated, dynamic blocks from "inc/blocks/" directory can be inserted into extra pages now
  • Spam Prevention page added in Admin Area for quick ability to delete spamer ad(s), spamer account and to ban spamer IP addresses from one page. Admin work to protect website from spam and website policy violation by posting bad content should be easier from now
  • Text/HTML optional selection added for "textarea" fields (to allow newlines to be converted to <br> or not)
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 3.0.788:
  • Category specific search results layout (headlines) improved
  • "Sort By" option added in Advanced Search page
  • User registration IP, ad poster IP, payment transaction IP tracking added to have better ability to prosecute fraudsters
  • "Availability" module support added
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 3.0 - 3.0.787:
  • Ad / User Price Plans grouping added (only certain ad plans can be allowed for certain user plans) - improved price plans flexibility for advanced users charging options
  • Search engines friendly URLs implemented for ads browsing (and navigation)
  • Improved Ad Extra Options management (Featuring, Priority Ranking, Visibility, Highlight Color)
  • HTML generating procedure rewritten, database queries caching added for best performance and instant pages loading on high-traffic websites
  • Templates parsing system improved
  • "Optimize/Repair DB Tables" option added in "DB Backup" section
  • Users login details one-click emailing added in Admin Area
  • Usability improved, more error proofing added
  • Updated images resizing process using GD2 to have excellent quality so ImageMagick is required only if you want to handle other than JPEG and PNG formats
  • Search engines friendly URLs support added (you need Apache module "mod_rewrite" installed for this)
  • Search engines robots friendliness added. If search engine robot (spider, crawler) is detected session is not started and URLs don't have session id embedded in it. All major and many minor search engine robots are identified.
  • Multiple payment gateways support integrated (it is possible to provide some alternative payment methods like Paypal, Credit Card, e-Gold, etc for customer to select the preferred one)
  • Ad Category & Ad Details urls can be made search engines friendly easily now if Apache module "mod_rewrite" is installed
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 3.0:
  • Login security improved (random one time passwords are used)
  • Sessions security improved (browser/IP fingerprint control added)
  • Allowed HTML tags control added
  • E-mail subjects are specified in email templates now
  • Engine updated to be ready for upcoming Shopping Cart, Auctions, Coupons, Auto Rebilling and more modules
  • Payment Transactions management improved
  • Ads Management improved in "My Account" area
  • Auto filling out of of certain ad fields based on user profile at "Place Ad" page
  • Sold sticker on ad supported
  • Payment methods can be easily turned on/off now, Direct Funds Transfer payment method added
  • "Who is Online" page added
  • Printer friendly page support added
  • "Recently Viewed" ads block added
  • Ad images slideshow added
  • Price plan expires to another price plan option added
  • Updated to use MD5() for admin passwords encryption instead of PASSWORD() because of changed PASSWORD() behaviour since MySQL 4.1
  • IPs banning ability added
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 2.9:
  • WYSIWYG HTML editor added as supported form field type (htmlarea)
  • Pending payments viewing added for money/cheque orders in admin area. Admin can see a table of unapproved payments.
  • Fixed size thumbnails generating added
  • Search results layout switching support added (matrix / rows)
  • Cron module enhanced. DB tables optimizing and HTML generation options added.
  • Credits module is supported now. It allows to have a system where people could pre-purchase ad placement/membership credits
  • Ad visibility (bold, bold red headings and so on) option added and posibility to charge for it
  • Option to hide empty categories at browsing and generated HTML implemented.
  • WYSIWYG HTML editor added to simplify "Extra Pages" management
  • Category-specific price plans added. You can charge different prices for ads placed in different categories now
  • Random Ad(s) block added
  • Modules management improved
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 2.8:
  • New cool feature - blocks functionality added ! You can have any content blocks (including database-driven) in header and footer now. 2 modes are used for blocks rendering: static and dynamic (this is block specific). In static mode block is rendered during HTML content generation. In dynamic mode block is rendered each time PHP page is requested. Dynamic blocks provide always up to date information but increase server load, it is ok to use dynamic blocks always if you don't have any server overheads problems (small- and middle-size databases, not too high site visitors traffic). So even if your site rocks and is very popular you'll hardly have server performance problems with our software, that's it !!!
      Blocks available now: Categories, Featured Ad, Who is Online, Latest Ads, Top Rated, Most Popular
  • Payment transactions management improved, filtering by date added. Expenses management in admin area added (for expenses tracking for advertising, custom programming, additional software, etc) to help you in monthly / yearly profit analysis and taxes calculation.
  • Option to store PHP user sessions in database added
  • Administrator/editors passwords are stored encrypted in database now using MySQL PASSWORD() function
  • Admin Area Authorization History added (all admin area authorization attempts are tracked and recorded)
  • Some general program engine improvements
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 2.7:
  • Payment plans management improved, fee- and subscription-based plans are supported with ability to charge for ads placement, featured ads, images amount, ads weight (better placement) and so on. Also different levels of membership are supported for subscription-based sites.
  • File permissions verification added in admin area
  • Rewritten to be modular for best flexibility. Amount of database tables reduced. Only if module is activated additional needed for it database tables and fields are created (and deleted if module is removed)
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 2.6.1:
  • Register money order / cheque payment added
  • File added to supported form field types
  • Program settings are saved in database in encrypted format now for better privacy and secure storing of payment gateways settings (Authorize.Net Transaction Key, etc)
  • Possibility to search by multiple options added for all menu field types
  • Multiple menu added to supported form field types
  • For checkboxes and multiple menus min./max. amount of selected options restriction added (optional)
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 2.6:
  • Admin email notification settings added. Can be notified when ad posted [modified, deleted], user registered, "tell a friend" used, HTML generated, etc.)
  • Ads posting to final categories only (w/o subcategories) option added
  • Form submits flood protection added
  • Option to use username to login instead of email (helpful for migration from other scripts)
  • Dynamic browsing results option added (for new ads to be displayed instantly without need to generate HTML)
  • Generate HTML content functionality improved (different generating levels are supported now - basic pages, browse ads area, ad details, etc.)
  • Random featured ad displaying across all pages option
  • Bad words filtering option added (censoring system)
  • Option to allow ad expiration date modification for all (specific) members added
  • HTML email support added for mass mailing (with preview/create like facilities)
  • Enable user fields in ad details / search results option added
  • Ad preview facility for members added
  • Field Set - specific templates management added
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 2.5:
  • Checkboxes sets (options) added to supported form field types
  • Members Management functionality extended
  • More portability added, updated to work smooth with PHP configuration "magic quotes gpc" (in php.ini) ON and OFF
  • MAIL NOW feature added (as addon to cron-executed mailing)
  • Option to enable/disable e-mail confirmation at registration added
  • Search engine rewritten for best flexibility and performance
  • Ability to set ads allowed per member, Images allowed per ad, Image max. allowed filesize restrictions added
  • Option for images width and height checking added with ability to force autoresizing / reject if max. allowed sizes are exceeded (both Imagemagick and GD library are supported)
  • Option to check image files validity added (check if uploaded files are images, reject if not)
  • Improved login functionality (now user is redirected to the last accessed page)
  • Page Templates and Email Templates management separated
  • Modular payment gateway support integrated. Paypal and Worldpay modules are available, new gateways can be added easily now. The only requirement for automatic payment handling is IPN (instant payment notification or callback functionality) support by your preferred gateway.
  • Improved categories selection/change at add/modify listing pages
  • User accounts disabling and manual approval added
  • Categories weight (priority) support added
  • Proxy servers handling added for valid hits/votes counting
  • Added date and datetime field types support (drop-down menus)
  • Interface for extracharges for placed ads added (charge for featured option, for priority in search results / browsing, for extra visibility like bold/red titles, etc.)
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 2.2.1:
  • Added support for different field sets in different categories. Now you can have personals, accomodations, cars, jobs in your single site, each category can list different things.
  • Online users displaying support added
  • Current user page determination added
  • Listing preview in admin area added
  • Categories and users management improved in admin area
  • E-mail confirmation before registration improved.
  • Case sensibility added to logins/passwords and confirmation codes.
  • Custom pages management added, you can add new pages to your site easily now.
  • Checkboxes support integrated for custom fields
  • Admin-only custom fields support added (for listings and users table)
  • Language file format changed.
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 2.2:
  • Admin area layout redesigned to be more professional amd Netscape compatible
  • Registered members mass mailing added
  • Mailing lists engine improved. Now sending date is set and e-mail are sent by perl script in background (using cron job or manually).
  • Backup feature added
  • Quick Search by users (all fields) added in admin area
  • Quick Search by listings (all fields) added in admin area
  • Listings expiration date support integrated
  • Both one-time and reccuring billing are supported now
  • Generated INDEX,HOT,TOP pages are made fully customisable
  • Files/images support added to USERS custom fields
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 2.1:
  • Advanced templates parsing technology developed and integrated. No more html templates pieces in separate files. Loop-based templates structure is supported now with multiple cell variants
  • iBill support added
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 2.0:
  • Admin area - search for user by login/email/userid added
  • Both related links and related categories are now supported
  • Improved Configuration Setup in admin area
  • Login scheme update, username field removed from user table - now email is used as login and is unique key defining user
  • If user account is not confirmed then confirmation url is included into lost password email.
  • Last login date / IP for members added
  • Editors assigning to multiple categories added
  • Editors notification added when listing is added to one of their categories
  • Performance improvement : preg_match() function replaced with more efficient strpos() in many cases
  • Updated column types in tables for database to require less storage space
  • Paid membership support integrated (Paypal supported, other payment systems will be added upon request), custom payment conditions for certain members supported.
  • Improved search keywords logging - no more logging of the same keywords from the same visitor, browsing of search results will not affect search keywords log any more.
  • Mailing list sending progress indicator added
  • Confirmed/pending users filter added in users management, export users data updated - now filtered part of users table can be exported.
  • Listed by user, browse user listings feature added.
  • Pages separation added to Editor's Pick page.
  • Added user-friendly disabled/unexisting listing details displaying instead of 404 Error.
  • Modify listing by user.
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 1.3:
  • Multiple languages support at the frontstore side
  • Full-text search capabilities
  • Some usability improvements, ad rotation module created.
    New in "Esvon Classifieds" 1.2:
  • Added user accounts support
  • Favorites management
  • Random links flexible mailing service
  • Advanced search feature